Join Us in Congratulating These New WPATH Global Education Institute (GEI) Leaders

From: "WPATH" <wpath@PROTECTED>
Subject: Join Us in Congratulating These New WPATH Global Education Institute (GEI) Leaders
Date: September 9th 2024

Dear WPATH Members,

As a follow up to recent application announcements, please join us in congratulating these new leaders in the WPATH Global Education Institute (GEI) effective November 1, 2024.

  • Varunee Faii Sangganjanavanich, Ph.D. - Co-Chair/Mental Health Chair of GEI
    • Dr. Sangganjanavanich will succeed Dr. Ren Massey, who we thank for his service in this role since 2021. Faii has contributed to WPATH since helping with programming and translation of the Symposium in her native Thailand. She is a GEI Certified Mentor (SOC 8), and she has served on the GEI Faculty for numerous years. Faii will co-chair the GEI with Dr. Jen Anger, the GEI Medical Lead.
  • Erika Sullivan, M.D. -  Co-Lead/Medical Lead of GEI Faculty Development Committee
    • Dr. Sullivan will succeed Dr. Jens Berli, who we thank for his work in this role since 2021. Erika has contributed to GEI in the Curriculum Development Committee, and she has been a GEI Faculty member.
  • David Bathory, Psy.D. - Co-Lead/Mental Health Lead of GEI Faculty Development Committee
    • Dr. Bathory will succeed Dr. Ren Massey who we thank for serving in this role since 2021. David served on the committee updating the WPATH Standards of Care to Version 8, and he has international experience as an educator on transgender/gender diverse healthcare.
  • Kelly Ducheny, Psy.D. - Co-Lead//Mental Health Lead of GEI Curriculum Development Committee
    • Dr. Ducheny will succeed Dr. Scott Liebowitz who we thank for his service in this role since 2021. Kelly has served on the GEI Faculty, and developed the GEI Nonbinary Experiences Workshop.
  • Ren Massey, Ph.D. - Co-Lead/ Mental Health Lead of GEI Programming
    • Dr. Massey will be the first Mental Health Programming Lead in this new role for GEI. He has served as the GEI Mental Health Chair and as the GEI Faculty Mental Health Lead since 2021. He served on the committee updating the WPATH SOC and the WPATH Board, and he has developed many programs for the GEI.
  • Gail Knudson, M.D. - Co-Lead/ Medical Lead of GEI Programming
    • Dr. Knudson will be the first Medical Programming Lead in this new role for GEI. She has served as the GEI Medical Chair (until 2023) and as the GEI Global Outreach Lead since 2021. She served on the committee updating the WPATH SOC and the WPATH Board, including being WPATH President.  She has developed many programs for the GEI.

We look forward to the growth of GEI and please welcome these new leaders in the GEI!

Your WPATH GEI Co-Chairs,
Ren Massey, PhD – Mental Health Co Chair
Jennifer T. Anger, MD, MPH – Medical Co Chair

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