Submit Today - WPATH 2024 Award Nominations + WPATH Board Applications - Due Friday May 31

From: "WPATH" <wpath@PROTECTED>
Subject: Submit Today - WPATH 2024 Award Nominations + WPATH Board Applications - Due Friday May 31
Date: May 23rd 2024

WPATH 2024 Award Nominations Open Now - Due May 31, 2024

WPATH invites your nominations for the following prestigious awards to be presented at the WPATH 28th Scientific Symposium in Lisbon, Portugal, being held September 25-30, 2024.

​​​​​WPATH Lifetime Distinguished Scientific Achievement Award
Description: This is an award for a senior researcher in our field who has made an important contribution to advancing the knowledge and quality of care in transgender health. This award is given to a WPATH member and considers their entire body of research over the course of their career.
WPATH Lifetime Distinguished Service Award
Description: This is an award to honor a senior WPATH member who has made a significant contribution to the society and transgender health over the course of their career.

WPATH Distinguished Advocacy Award
Description: This is an award to honor an individual or group who has/have contributed significantly to the promotion of transgender health and rights through advocacy work. This may be presented as two separate awards, and the awardees do not need to be WPATH members.

WPATH Distinguished Education Award
Description: This is an award to honor an individual or group who has/have contributed significantly to the promotion of transgender health and rights through education. This may be presented as two separate awards, and the awardees do not need to be WPATH members.
WPATH Outstanding Student Contribution Award
Description: This award honors a graduate student or postdoctoral scholar who has made an outstanding contribution to the field of transgender health through scholarship, research, curriculum development, policy, or has demonstrated exemplary service to the WPATH.

Nominations Must Include*:

  • completed nomination form
  • short bio of the nominee (100 - 200 words)
  • rationale for their nomination (one or two sentences)
  • nominee’s contact information (email address and/or phone number)

*Incomplete Nominations will not be considered.

All nominations Must Be Received by May 31, 2024 at 11:59pm US Eastern Time.

Click Here to Submit Your WPATH 2024 Award Nominations

WPATH 2024 Gold Medal - Nominations Due May 31, 2024

The WPATH Gold Medal is the most prestigious honor awarded by the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH). The WPATH Gold Medal is awarded once every two years at the WPATH Biennial Scientific Symposium if an eligible application and awardee is selected.

WPATH Gold Medals are awarded to an individual(s) or an organization(s), who have made a major contribution to global transgender health.

The criteria for the WPATH Gold Medal is presented below:

  • The nomination should be submitted by a minimum of 4 WPATH members in good standing, each who have been a WPATH member for a minimum of 10 years.

  • The recommendations are submitted to the President, Secretary and Executive Director through the online application.

  • The WPATH Gold Medal Award Committee encourages diverse representation, inclusive of a variety of disciplines, countries, personal background and gender.

  • The nominees should have the following characteristics:

  • Be a WPATH member in good standing.

  • Been working in the field of transgender health (in its broadest sense) for at least 10 years.

  • Nominees are selected based on documented evidence of exceptional global achievement within the field of transgender health.

  • To learn more about the WPATH Gold Medal Award and view the 2022 Award Announcement, please visit our website here.

To learn more about the WPATH Gold Medal Award and view the 2022 Award Announcement, please visit our website here. 

Submit Your Nomination Today - WPATH Gold Medal

Apply Today - WPATH Board of Directors Open Positions

WPATH is pleased to announce that nominations are now open for the following Officer positions and Board Member-at-Large positions on the WPATH Board of Directors.

Board Officer Positions:

  • President-Elect (term = 2024-2026; is President 2026-2028; is Past-President 2028-2030)
  • Treasurer (term = 2024-2026)
  • Secretary (term = 2024-2026)

Board Member-at-Large Positions:

  • 3 Open Positions: Board Member-at-Large (term = 2024-2028)

Criteria for Board Officers and Board Member-at-Large positions can be found by clicking here.

To nominate another WPATH member as a candidate, you may submit their name, email address, and country of residence to the WPATH office at wpath@PROTECTED. Staff will inform them that they have been nominated, they are then free to decline or apply for an Officer or Board Member-at-Large position.

Please note that WPATH Board meetings are conducted in English and that meetings are scheduled as conveniently as possible, but are based on the time zones of all board members, so an adjustment in your standard schedule may be affected.

All Application Forms must be submitted by Friday, May 31, 2024 at 11:00pm Eastern Time.

Voting by the WPATH membership to approve the slate and select the Board Member-at-Large positions will take place in July 2024.

Newly-elected Board Officers and Members-at-Large will be installed at a meeting of the full WPATH Board of Directors near or in conjunction with the WPATH 28th Scientific Symposium, being held live in Lisbon, Portugal from September 25 - 30, 2024. The Board meeting will take place on Monday, September 30, 2024, following the conclusion of scientific sessions.

Click Here to Apply for the WPATH Board of Directors Open Positions

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  • This mailing list is announce-only.

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