USPATH President's Note - December 2023

From: "WPATH" <wpath@PROTECTED>
Subject: USPATH President's Note - December 2023
Date: December 22nd 2023

Dear USPATH colleagues,

Keeping with our goal of sending monthly updates from our USPATH Board and my own thoughts on the state of gender-affirming care, research, and issues affecting transgender people and communities in the US, thank you for taking a moment to read this newsletter as we close 2023.

Since last I wrote, I had the opportunity to join the WPATH Board for their quarterly meeting. The esteemed WPATH President, Dr. Marci Bowers, commended the breadth and depth of research and initiatives presented at the USPATH Symposium. I would add that, in addition to the efforts of our tireless USPATH staff and Board, the success of the 2023 USPATH Scientific Symposium is a direct result of the dedication of our USPATH members and the expertise and efforts of our Scientific Symposium Committee, led by Dr. Henry Ng and Dr. Thomas Satterwhite. They and the entirety of the Scientific Symposium Committee were dedicated to ensuring the highest quality of research and initiatives were shared with our attendees and deliberately had a focus on diversity, equity, and inclusivity; this is also thanks to their creation of a specific Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion position held by Dr. Taru Saigal. Their efforts will be a model for our future initiatives and the 2025 USPATH Scientific Symposium.

On the subject of our next Scientific Symposium, the USPATH Board is currently evaluating various locations across the US and its territories and hope to be able to make an announcement in the coming months. Note, we are only evaluating locations in states that protect access to gender-affirming care. More on our 2025 Scientific Symposium in the new year.

With regards to our USPATH efforts to explicitly incorporate DEI principles in all we do, new Board Member Diane Bruessow will be leading a review of all existing USPATH structures, initiatives, and policies and procedures to ensure DEI is woven throughout all USPATH is and does. Further, Diane and myself will be following up with USPATH members who have provided feedback on the 2023 Scientific Symposium; thank you again to all who have provided specific input. While we strive to do right and know that we will make mistakes, we ask for your grace and guidance as we continue to hold USPATH to an appropriate standard of how an organization ought to operate.

Additional initiatives and outcomes from our December USPATH Board Meeting that I would like to highlight:

  1. The USPATH Board approved the reconstitution of our Research Committee, which will be holding regular meetings in the new year. More details of how to get involved will follow in 2024.
  2. The USPATH Board is exploring the creation of a student and trainee initiative in the new year. This initiative is being spearheaded by the indefatigable Student Board Member, Melissa Bolick. More details to follow in 2024.
  3. As I presented during the Board Session at the 2023 USPATH Scientific Symposium, we will be taking a more rapid-response approach to developments in local and national news affecting transgender communities. While we will do our best to respond to every issue, we are not omniscient. As such, we appreciate any USPATH member sending us local or national issues that warrant USPATH considering.

Lastly, I would like to draw attention to the recent good news that the US Supreme Court has chosen to decline a review of Tingley v. Ferguson and uphold the ban on so-called “conversion therapy” in Washington State. Our concerns about the Supreme Court hearing this case are warranted when reviewing Justices Thomas’ and Alito’s dissent from the Court’s majority declining the writ of certiorari (starting on page 14 ). This case not advancing is a win for all LGBTQIA+ persons especially transgender persons. As a member of the US Joint Statement Against Conversion Efforts, USPATH will continue to advocate for the banning of so-called “conversion therapy.” We will take this victory into the new year.

As we pass the Winter Solstice and 2023 draws to a close, I hope that you are able to spend time with loved ones and the people who support you and our communities.

In Solidarity,

Carl G Streed, Jr., MD, MPH, FACP, FAHA

President, US Professional Association for Transgender Health


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