A Year End Message from Your WPATH President, Dr. Marci Bowers

From: "WPATH" <wpath@PROTECTED>
Subject: A Year End Message from Your WPATH President, Dr. Marci Bowers
Date: December 22nd 2022

Dearest WPATH friends and members,


In wishing all of you a very merry holiday season, it is important to emphasize the hardships many face at this time of year but also to look forward with optimism.


· 2022 saw further legislative efforts to limit or restrict trans care---never in my career did I imagine lawyers and legislators trying to play doctor via legislation and politics.


· In all likelihood enabled by anti-trans rhetoric, we have seen clinicians, therapists, mental health specialists, and hospitals threatened for simply delivering TGD medical care.


· TGD persons continue to come under attack, particularly transgender AMAB women of color. The ClubQ shooting in Colorado Springs continues to affect the lives of many.


· False narratives driven by fears over regret/de-transition/retransition coupled with medication safety exaggerations extend the perception that gender transition is murky and uncertain. Clearly, we need more focus on the 99% rather than the 1%.


· US happenings affect Europe and the world and vice versa. Based mainly upon fear over fact, adolescent TGD access to gender care in Sweden and the UK has been restricted to research protocols although access within private settings continue.


· We mourn the passing of WPATH colleagues Michael Marshall and Wylie Hembree among the many passings of TGD persons globally.


Fortunately, I, like many of my colleagues, believe in silver linings.


· The successful rollout of the WPATH SOC8 in September was a triumph for the many authors and organizers of the document---the most scientific and consensus-based guideline in its history. Expect updates throughout the life of SOC8 as we continue to factor in available evidence.


· Response to published inaccuracies or falsehoods are now handled systematically and quickly thanks to the WPATH media team headed by Blaine Vella and Shane Diamond.


· Proactive messaging from WPATH/USPATH/EPATH will accelerate during 2023.


· Leadership within WPATH/USPATH has unprecedented lived experience presidential representation in myself and Dr. Madeline Deutsch.


· Media interest in formulating an accurate assessment of gender care is ongoing despite some recent articles that still don’t get it right.


· Young persons increasingly recognize the importance of gender in their personal identity and continue to reject binary conscription. Never have gender diverse individuals been so visible and so comfortable in doing so though that freedom is uneven globally (Pew Research May 2022).


· Passage of the bipartisan US’ Respect for Marriage act thereby affirming the right of all persons to marry the person of their choice is a powerful reminder that reasoned arguments can succeed within any political environment.


2023 will highlight regional symposia including EPATH (Killarney, Ireland April 26-28), WPATH/Mt. Sinai Live Surgery Course (New York, NY May 11-13), and USPATH (Denver, CO November 1-7).


I am also pleased to announce the membership-chosen location for the 2024 WPATH symposium as Lisbon, Portugal. Expect details to follow.


Again, Happy Holidays to each of you. We know the TGD population far better than our detractors and skeptics. With the support of our colleagues and friends, let’s convince the world.


Marci Bowers, MD

WPATH President

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