WPATH Announces Opening Plenary Speaker + Full Conference Program for WPATH 28th Scientific Symposium

From: "WPATH" <wpath@PROTECTED>
Subject: WPATH Announces Opening Plenary Speaker + Full Conference Program for WPATH 28th Scientific Symposium
Date: September 13th 2024


We are pleased to announce our Opening Plenary Speaker at the WPATH 28th Scientific Symposium, Zooey Zephyr. Please see below to learn more about Zooey's Opening Session Plenary Presentation at the conference, and view the full conference program schedule.


Medically Necessary Care: How to Protect Transgender Individuals in an Era of Disinformation and Governmental Overreach
with Zooey Zephyr

Presented at the
WPATH 28th Scientific Symposium Opening Session
Thursday, September 26, 2024
Moderator: Marci Bowers, MD

Zooey Zephyr, Montana State Representative and award-winning human rights activist, will present an insightful session on the current landscape of transgender rights and the fight against international efforts to undermine this medically necessary care. This session will explore the spread of harmful legislation targeting transgender individuals, the battle against disinformation in transgender care, and the connections between LGBTQ rights, reproductive freedom, and bodily autonomy. Representative Zephyr will discuss the role that religious fundamentalism and pseudoscience have played in opposing not only gender-affirming care, but LGBTQ rights around the world more broadly. She will also highlight the resilience of the transgender community, recent victories against disinformation in leading medical organizations, and the importance of international collaboration to combat growing, global anti-transgender movements. The session will conclude with a Q&A segment moderated by WPATH President, Dr. Marci Bowers. 


Zooey Zephyr represents Montana’s 100th House District in the Montana House of Representatives and is the first trans woman to hold public office in the state of Montana. Throughout her time in office, Representative Zephyr has been a fierce advocate for affordable housing, healthcare, public infrastructure, and human rights throughout Montana. Prior to the legislature, Representative Zephyr worked at the University of Montana, where she oversaw the administration of the university’s curriculum approval process. She also worked as a human rights activist, helping people file discrimination claims, drafting human rights policies for the city of Missoula, and working as a de-escalator at protests to ensure protester safety. When the Legislature is not in session, Representative Zephyr works with people across Montana, the nation, and the world to help them get involved in the fight for progressive policies.

We look forward to seeing all registered attenddes at the Opening Session at the WPATH 28th Scientific Symposium on Thursday, September 26, 2024: 6:00PM WEST (UTC+1.00).

We are pleased to share the full program schedule for the WPATH 28th Scientific Symposium, being held live at the EPIC SANA Lisboa in Lisbon, Portugal, September 25-30, 2024. Please note that conference sessions are only available to registered live and virtual attendees.

We are officially sold out for the live WPATH 28th Scientific Symposium and there will be no onsite registration, we are at full capacity for the meeting. Registration is still open for the virtual symposium for anyone unable to join us live in Lisbon. 

We look forward to seeing everyone at the conference!


NOTE TO LIVE ATTENDEES: Guest Tickets at the Final Night Event

We have a very limited number of Guest Tickets available for registered Live Conference attendees who would like to bring a guest to the WPATH 28th Scientific Symposium Final Night Event on Sunday, September 29. This option is available to registered Live Conference attendees only for $75USD, limit 1 Guest Ticket per attendee.

Please reach out to Tricia Saunders at tricia@PROTECTED if you would like to purchase a Guest Ticket. 


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