WPATH Plenary Session Spotlight! - Health care of transgender and gender diverse people in Central and Eastern Europe | Iva Žegura, MA and Miroslav L Djordjevic, MD, PhD.

From: "WPATH" <wpath@PROTECTED>
Subject: WPATH Plenary Session Spotlight! - Health care of transgender and gender diverse people in Central and Eastern Europe | Iva Žegura, MA and Miroslav L Djordjevic, MD, PhD.
Date: August 22nd 2024

As the 28th WPATH Scientific Symposium draws near, we are pleased to announce our distinguished plenary speakers over the coming weeks. These plenaries will showcase some of the foremost experts in transgender healthcare, providing invaluable insights and perspectives on the current state of transgender healthcare.


Health care of transgender and gender diverse people in Central and Eastern Europe- From disparities towards high quality standardized interdisciplinary practice
with Iva Žegura, MA and Miroslav L Djordjevic, MD, PhD.
Saturday, September 28, 2024 at 2:00PM


Main goal of our session is to present the situation with transgender health in Eastern European countries, results of treatment in the last three decades, problems and challenges and our efforts for further improvements. We will discuss the actual situation, variations between countries, social and legal and options, possible solutions for actual problems. Our auditorium will get comprehensive data about last period, recent situation and future perspectives for Eastern European trans population, relation between countries, professionals and groups as well as possibilities for more effective care and support in the future.


Iva Žegura, MA


Iva Žegura is a licensed university specialist of clinical psychology and PhD candidate. She has background in gestalt integrative therapy, cybernetics of psychotherapy, and sexual therapy.

Žegura works at the University Psychiatric Hospital Vrapče in Zagreb for 20 years. She collaborates with various universities and institutions as associate professor, including the Department of Psychology of University of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb; Department of Psychology of University of Croatian Studies, Faculty of Medicine in Zagreb and Private University Algebra Bernays, IGW Centre Zagreb. As a mentor, she supervises psychology students and trainee psychologists. Žegura also collaborates with governmental and non-governmental organizations.

She was a trailblazer of LGBTIQ+ affirmative practice in Croatia and region. She initiated development of legislative and health care for transgender and gender diverse people according to the WPATH SOC in Croatia. She is a member of the National List of Experts for the Health Care of Transgender People.

She regularly participates in national and international conferences, congresses and symposiums as an invited speaker. She is an author of several scientific papers, and she authored and edited books.

Zegura is a member of the several national, European and international professional societies and associations. She holds leadership roles in the Croatian Psychological Society (CPA) and the Croatian Psychological Chamber (CPC). Žegura represents CPA on the European Federation of Psychologists Associations’ Board on Cultural and Ethnic Diversity, APA’s Ipsy Net. She is member of Advisory Board of Global Network of Psychologists for Human Rights. Currently, she is EPATH president-elect. Since 2021 she collaborates with WPATH's GEI Diversity, Inclusion, and Community Engagement Committee.

She is the recipient of several professional certificates of appreciation and awards, including the Marulić Social Award: "Fiat Psychologia" for special contribution to Croatian applied psychology (2011) and the Certificate of Distinguished Contribution to the Croatian Psychological Chamber (2020), and the APA Division 52- International Psychology Global Citizen Psychologist Citation 2022 Award for exceptional volunteer professional engagement and contribution to increasing visibility and strengthening the availability of psychological scientific and practical knowledge both in the local and international community related to LGBTQ+ mental health.In 2024, she was awarded the Ramiro Bujas award by the Croatian Psychological Association for a particularly valuable achievement in the social affirmation of psychology.


Miroslav L Djordjevic, MD, PhD.

Dr Miroslav L Djordjevic is a Professor of Urology and Surgery at the School of Medicine, University of Belgrade, Serbia. The main field of his multidisciplinary work is urogenital reconstructive surgery, encompassing treatment of all anomalies of the genital system, regardless of gender or age. Professor Djordjevic has been multiply awarded for his comprehensive scientific work. He is the Editor of many leading Journals and Books, and a member of all relevant international associations in the field of urology and genital reconstructive surgery. Professor Djordjevic has been invited lecturer and Visiting Professor on many universities all around the world. As a member of humanitarian societies he actively participated in humanitarian missions all over the world. Last but not least, he is the founder and leader of Belgrade Center for Genital Reconstructive Surgery, which is chosen as a fellowship program center by 20-30 foreign colleagues every year. From 2019, Professor Djordjevic joined Urology Department, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York, United States. He was a President of GURS (Genitourinary Reconstructive Surgeons) Society from 2019 till 2022. From December 2022 Dr Djordjevic joined Center for transgender Medicine at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital in London, UK


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