USPATH Presidential Newsletter - August 2024 - from Dr. Carl Streed, Jr.

From: "WPATH" <wpath@PROTECTED>
Subject: USPATH Presidential Newsletter - August 2024 - from Dr. Carl Streed, Jr.
Date: August 13th 2024

Dear USPATH colleagues,

We hope this newsletter finds you well. We have been busy since last you heard from us.

In July, USPATH joined 38 other organizations in response to the Office of Science and Technology Policy’s request for information to help the Disability Data Interagency Working Group develop the Federal Evidence Agenda on Disability Equity. With other organizations dedicated to improving the wellbeing of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex and other sexual and gender minority (LGBTQI+) people, we highlighted that disparities faced by transgender and non-binary people with disabilities could be better understood through federal statistics and data collection. It is critical that LGBTQI+ people with disabilities, especially transgender and non-binary people, are visible, their needs, strengths, and voices are integrated into policymaking, and that they are seen as critical stakeholders in efforts to advance equity for all. You can read the full comments here.

In that same vein, we submitted comments to the National Institutes of Health Development of the Fiscal Years 2026 – 2030 NIH-Wide Strategic Plan for Sexual & Gender Minority Health Research. In our comments, we set forth what we believe are some of the highest priority needs and emerging opportunities related to transgender and non-binary health research, addressing such questions as:

  • How is mental and emotional health impacted by the banning of care for minors both in jurisdictions with bans and those without?
  • How do the developmental trajectories of transgender and non-binary persons differ by gender identity?
  • How do the developmental trajectories of transgender and non-binary persons differ by age of social, medical, and/or surgical interventions (e.g., those who access interventions in childhood vs adolescence vs adulthood vs late adulthood)?
  • What interventions help parents/guardians better understand and support their transgender and non-binary children?
  • What interventions improve access to gender-affirming care across various resource settings as well as in rural areas?
  • How can we best support those with multiple marginalized identities including transgender and non-binary individuals who are BIPOC, neurodiverse, or differently abled?

We also set forth several priorities the NIH should consider to improve participation and leadership of research by transgender and non-binary persons:

  • Designate SGM as a diversity workforce issue to improve opportunities for transgender and non-binary researchers.
  • Offer training regarding the utility and best practices for measuring sex, gender identity, and gender modality.

We are eager to see the final draft of the 2030 NIH-Wide Strategic Plan for Sexual & Gender Minority Health Research.

Additionally, in an effort to expand our efforts in DEI-related work, USPATH has requested to join the Equitable Professional Societies Network (EPSN), which is a collaborative initiative convened by the American Medical Association (AMA) and the Council of Medical Specialty Societies (CMSS), in collaboration with HealthBegins and Race Forward and a growing number of other organizations. Together, these entities are on a mission to advance a more equitable health care ecosystem—striving to make health outcomes better for all. We will keep you apprised of opportunities to engage in this work as we learn more.

During our August USPATH board meeting we covered several items that I would like to highlight:

  1. We reviewed recent donations to USPATH. If you haven’t already, please consider donating.
  2. Our Student and Trainee Special Interest Group (SIG) has begun meeting regularly.
  3. Our Student and Trainee SIG is seeking mentors to support future health professionals in transgender healthcare. Details are below.
  4. Our Research Committee will be sharing opportunities to get involved in a separate communication in the coming weeks.
  5. Our Education Committee will be presenting at the upcoming WPATH Symposium in Lisbon, Portugal.
  6. In collaboration with Whitman-Walker Institute, our Board approved our membership survey. You will receive a separate email invitation inviting you to complete this important survey. There will be opportunities to complete this survey at the upcoming WPATH Symposium in Lisbon, Portugal.


As always, while we do our best to monitor and respond to every issue related to transgender health, we are not omniscient. As such, we appreciate any USPATH member sending us local or national issues that warrant USPATH consideration to uspath@PROTECTED.

We look forward to seeing many of you at the upcoming 9th National LGBTQ Health Conference in Atlanta, GA and Philadelphia Trans Wellness Conference, Philadelphia, PA; we are eager to hear about your work to improve the health and wellbeing of transgender and non-binary people.


In Solidarity,

Carl G Streed, Jr., MD, MPH, FACP, FAHA

President, US Professional Association for Transgender Health

Support Future Professionals in Transgender Healthcare

The USPATH Student & Trainee Special Interest Group (SIG) is excited to announce a virtual event designed to connect our students and trainees with experienced professionals in transgender and gender-diverse healthcare. This is a unique opportunity for mentors to share their expertise and help shape the future of transgender healthcare.

Why Participate?

•             Share Your Knowledge: Contribute to the growth of the next generation of healthcare professionals.

               •             Network: Meet motivated students and potential collaborators.

               •             Ongoing Relationships: Option to establish long-term mentor/mentee connections.


If you’re interested in participating as a mentor, please complete this form to indicate your availability.

Event Security

               •             USPATH Members Only: All participants are verified USPATH members.

               •             Confidentiality: The event will remain low-profile, with all details confidential.

Thank you for considering this opportunity to support our community!


Warm regards,

Helen Bassett (she/they)

Chair, USPATH Student & Trainee Special Interest Group


What we’re reading lately (in no particular order):

BMA to undertake an evaluation of the Cass Review on gender identity services for children and young people.

One Colorado Celebrates Victory: No-Anti Trans Initiatives on November Ballot. By Jax Gonzalez.

Increasing Understanding of LGBTQ+ Health Equity Issues. by NORC at the University of Chicago Funded by The California Endowment. [check question 18] norc-lgbtq+-health-equity-topline-final.pdf

A Legacy of Cruelty to Sexual and Gender Minority Groups. By Jessica Halem et al.


Conferences we’re looking forward to (in order by date):

9th National LGBTQ Health Conference, Atlanta, GA, August 15 – 17, 2024.

Philadelphia Trans Wellness Conference, Philadelphia, PA, September 5 – 7, 2024.

WPATH 28th Scientific Symposium, Lisbon, Portugal, September 25 – 30, 2024.

GLMA's 42nd Annual Conference on LGBTQ+ Health, Charlotte, NC, September 30 – October 2, 2024.

10th Annual Advancing Excellence in Transgender Health, Boston, MA, October 25-27, 2024.

TransPride YOUniting Health & Wellness Conference, Virtual, November 7 – 9, 2024.

USPATH Scientific Symposium, Albuquerque, NM, September 2025. Conference website to follow.

Save the Date - USPATH 2025 Scientific Symposium - September 26-30, 2025 - Albuquerque, NM

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