WPATH Plenary Speaker Spotlight - Anne Tamar-Mattis, Esq. and Amy Tishelman, PhD

From: "WPATH" <wpath@PROTECTED>
Subject: WPATH Plenary Speaker Spotlight - Anne Tamar-Mattis, Esq. and Amy Tishelman, PhD
Date: August 1st 2024

As we get near to the 28th WPATH Scientific Symposium, being presented live in Lisbon, Portugal, September 25-30, 2024we are pleased to announce our distinguished plenary speakers over the coming weeks.

These plenaries will showcase some of the foremost experts in transgender healthcare, providing invaluable insights and perspectives on the current state of transgender healthcare.


Sunday, September 29, 2024
How Binary Surgical Assignments of Intersex Persons Enable Society’s Current Rigid Gender Binary
Presented by:
Anne Tamar-Mattis, Esq. and Amy Tishelman, PhD

People with naturally occurring variations of sex anatomy have lived in all cultures throughout human history, and cultures found ways to incorporate this reality. In the second half of the 20th century, surgical sex assignment of intersex infants became the dominant paradigm everywhere that Western medicine held sway.  In addition to causing untold harm to many individuals who have spoken out against these practices as adults, this paradigm resulted in the erasure of intersex variations which obscures the natural diversity of sex and bodies.  This both supports and exacerbates a cultural blindness about the reality of sex and gender variation. As modern-day trans and intersex rights movements make progress, resistance often takes the form of an appeal to a “natural” order that never existed, in which there are only two distinct sexes.  This talk will offer a brief review of this history, looking at the cultural and emotional forces that drove the surgical paradigm of treatment of people with intersex variations.  We will then look to the future, with a discussion of insights from intersex people themselves about research efforts to support self-advocacy for youth with intersex variations, and how to incorporate best care practices for youth and adults in a world that increasingly makes room for sex and gender variance, but one in which backlash against these advances are also abundant.


Anne Tamar-Mattis, Esq.


Anne Tamar-Mattis, Esq., founded interACT: Advocates for Intersex Youth, the first organization in the world solely focused on legal advocacy for intersex youth, in 2006 after graduating from the University of California, Berkeley, School of Law.  She has been invited to provide testimony regarding intersex human and legal rights to the World Health Organization, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and many other state, national, and international bodies.  Her writing has been widely published in the legal, medical, and bioethics press.


Amy Tishelman, PhD.

Dr. Amy Tishelman is a clinical and research psychologist, and a Research Associate Professor at Boston College in the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience.  She, along with colleagues, currently have funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to co-develop a self-advocacy tool for youth and emerging adults with intersex variations, an effort that includes a large and diverse research network of stakeholders throughout the United States  She previously worked at Boston Children's Hospital (BCH) for close to three decades where she last held the position as Director of Clinical Research in the Behavioral Health, Endocrinology, and Urology (BE-U) Program and the Gender Multispecialty Service (GeMS). These programs provide clinical care to youth and young adults with intersex variations, and/or gender diversities. Dr. Tishelman has been awarded several grants by the NIH as an MPI or Co-I, investigating well-being and/or gender development in children and adolescents, and youth/young adults with intersex variations.  She was featured for her work by the Sexual and Gender Minority (SGM) office of the NIH in 2022 (https://dpcpsi.nih.gov/sgmro/featured-investigator-amy-tishelman-phd-0). She also co-authored a clinical report for the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), published in Pediatrics, on fertility and sexual function counseling for at risk pediatric patients. Dr. Tishelman was selected by the WPATH to be the international lead in developing the Child chapter for SOC 8, and by the American Psychological Association to co-chair a national task force on intersex variations (also referred to with alternative terminology, such as Differences of Sex Development or Variations of Sex Traits). Dr. Tishelman previously worked extensively in the areas of child maltreatment, interpersonal violence, and trauma, and is the former Director of Child Protection Clinical Services and Director of Training and Research in the Child Protection Program at BCH.  She is on several journal editorial boards and speaks and publishes frequently in her areas of expertise.  She has also served frequently as an expert witness.



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