Notice to Members - Official WPATH 2024 Election Ballot Arriving Today!

From: "WPATH" <wpath@PROTECTED>
Subject: Notice to Members - Official WPATH 2024 Election Ballot Arriving Today!
Date: July 18th 2024
July 18, 2024
Dear Global WPATH Members:
On behalf of the WPATH 2024 Election Nominating Committee – Walter Bouman MD, PhD (Immediate Past President – Chair); Jon Arcelus, MD, PhD (WPATH Member); Marci Bowers, MD (President); Maria Dunton, DO (WPATH Member); Gail Knudson, MD, FRCP, Med (Past President); Asa Radix, MD, PhD, MPH (President-Elect); and Iva Zegura, MA (WPATH Member) – we are pleased to present you with the ballot for the 2024 WPATH Global Board of Directors.
Please take time to review the statements for the Member-at-large positions and Officer Slate before making your decision. We are at a critical juncture in which the Board composition SHOULD attain global representation despite the predominance of US membership, in order to maintain balance and relevance. Please also consider that previous Board service is a prerequisite for future leadership eligibility on the WPATH Executive Committee.
All members on the officer slate have been vetted and approved by us, the 2024 Election Nominating Committee---based on the applications received---and were approved as presented by the WPATH Board of Directors. All members that applied to be a Member-at-Large, and met the criteria for the position, which can be found here, are presented to you as candidates for the WPATH Board member-at-large positions.
You will be receiving your ballot directly from Survey Monkey later today. The message and link to vote will be sent to the email address associated with your WPATH account, where you are receiving this notice, and each voting member will receive a ballot and is asked to vote by the deadline.
If you do not receive the email from Survey Monkey by Friday, July 19, 2024, and after also checking your junk/spam folder, please contact Jamie Hicks at jamie@PROTECTED, she will be able to assist you. Please be sure and reach out in plenty of time, so that we can be sure and get you the link to vote well before the deadline.
The deadline for voting is Wednesday, August 7, 2024, at 11:59pm EDT (GMT-4).
Newly elected Board Officers and Members-at-Large will be installed at a meeting of the full WPATH Board of Directors near or in conjunction with the WPATH 28th Scientific Symposium, being held live in Lisbon, Portugal from September 25 - 30, 2024. The Board meeting will take place on Monday, September 30, 2024, following the conclusion of scientific sessions.
Your current board members and their terms, are as follows:
WPATH Board of Directors 2022
Executive Committee (2020 – 2022)
Marci Bowers, MD
Immediate Past-President
Walter Pierre Bouman, MD, PhD
Asa Radix, MD, PhD, MPH
Jaimie Veale, PhD
Loren Schechter, MD
(2020 – 2024)
(2022 – 2026)
Christina Richards, PsyD
Stephen Rosenthal, MD
Sanjay Sharma, MBBS, MMS
Scott Leibowitz, MD
Chris McLachlan, MA
Sari Reisner, ScD
Joshua Safer, MD
Joz Motmans, PhD (EPATH Representative)
Carl Streed, Jr., MD, MPH, FACP (USPATH Representative)
Florence Chenel, RN, MSN (WPATH Student Initiative Representative) – Ex-Officio
Thank you in advance for being a WPATH member and for carefully reviewing and voting in the WPATH 2024 Board Election. Your opinion counts and we urge you to review and vote today once your ballot is received via SurveyMonkey. 
REMEMBER - The deadline for voting is Wednesday, August 7, 2024, at 11:59pm EDT (GMT-4).
Kind regards,
Your WPATH 2024 Election Nominating Committee,
Walter Bouman MD, PhD (Immediate Past President – Chair)
Jon Arcelus, MD, PhD (WPATH Member)
Marci Bowers, MD (President)
Maria Dunton, DO (WPATH Member)
Gail Knudson, MD, FRCP, Med (Past President)
Asa Radix, MD, PhD, MPH (President-Elect)
Iva Zegura, MA (WPATH Member)
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