The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) invites the submission of abstracts for Oral and Poster sessions as well as State-of-the-Art Mini Symposia to be considered for presentation at the WPATH 27th Scientific Symposium. The symposium will be presented in a hybrid format with both live and pre-recorded virtual content from September 16 - 20, 2022.
This anticipated hybrid symposium will be presenting the accepted content live in Montreal as well as via a virtual platform that will include plenary sessions, oral and poster sessions, and mini symposia.
Presentations, including courses that run concurrently, will be recorded and available to watch later. This format will allow attendees to watch live and/or recorded sessions and receive credit hours for both. This robust program will allow for accreditation and attendance to more educational sessions than in the live-only version and be accessible to more attendees around the world.
During the dates of the conference, WPATH plans to livestream a limited number of the meeting room presentations, as it is not possible to do so with all sessions. Post conference, all content presented throughout the conference will be made available for viewing by paid registrants via the virtual platform.
The Steering Committee is working to create a program in September 2022 that will offer a great educational experience for all, with a variety of live presentations and viewing options. Our goal remains the same; to promote evidence-based care, education, research, public policy, and respect in transgender health.
WPATH 27th Scientific Symposium (presented live and virtually in September 2022)
Time: September 16 - 20, 2022
Location: Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Submission Deadline: Friday, March 25, 2022, at 5:00 pm ET
The recommended abstract length is between 385 and 500 words, excluding the title and authors' names. Abstract titles should be descriptive (200 characters or less). If you wish to submit images with your abstract, images must be smaller than 525 x 343 pixels. Files must be less than 50MB. Allowed file types: png, gif, jpg, jpeg. Up to 2 image uploads are allowed. The correspondent will receive an email message confirming the receipt of the abstract. Please notify your co-authors that the confirmation was received, as only the correspondent will receive the notification.
Abstract submissions must be submitted with the following components:
State-of-the-Art Mini Symposia should include cutting edge research, cross-cultural approaches, as well as interdisciplinary approaches in the submission categories. The maximum length of the State-of-the-Art symposia submission is 500 words. The time allotted for the State-of-the-Art symposia will be between 60 – 75 minutes. Only submissions that have 3, 4, or 5 presenters will be considered. Preference will be given to those symposia that are topically relevant and feature speakers across disciplines or geographical regions.
State-of-the-Art Symposia submissions must be submitted with the following components:
State-of-the-Art Symposia submissions will also require submitters to describe how the qualifications of each presenter are appropriate to meet the objectives of this symposia. (Limit of 1000 words)
All submissions must be submitted in one of the following categories, please choose the most appropriate for your submission (listed alphabetically). We welcome submissions from all professionals working in transgender health, including but not limited to researchers, nurses, physicians, advanced practice providers, social scientists, voice and speech therapists, physical therapists, and others.
This mailing list is announce-only.
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