WPATH GEI News - Committee Progress, Upcoming Courses & Events

From: "WPATH" <wpath@PROTECTED>
Subject: WPATH GEI News - Committee Progress, Upcoming Courses & Events
Date: November 17th 2021

Hello WPATH Members & Supporters,
We wanted to take this opportunity to send an update on the WPATH Global Education Institute (GEI), our upcoming offerings, and the committee formation process.
WPATH Global Education Institute Committee Process
The GEI Steering Group is thrilled to have received a robust pool of applicants for GEI Committee Co-lead positions, and we are working to review and select those members.
Here is where we are and where we are going:
  • We have officially seated all Co-lead positions for all committees (Certification & Mentorship; Curriculum Development: Diversity, Inclusion, & Community Engagement; Faculty Development; Fundraising & Grant Writing; Global Outreach).
  • Committee Leads will now work through the committee member applications; review, reach out to references, and select their members.
  • Final decisions will be made over the next couple of months.
  • Formal announcement of all GEI Committee positions will be sent to the membership before the new year.
We are encouraged by this process and what it means for WPATH, GEI and the transgender and gender diverse communities we serve.
Thank you all for your patience, support, and for all you do in the field.
WPATH Courses 2021
  • Our Fall 2021 Advanced Courses and Workshops remain open for registration, click here to learn more and register.
  • Our third episode of the WPATH Journal Club featuring a discussion on uterine transplantation has been scheduled for Monday, December 13, 2021 from 1:00pm - 2:00pm EST, click here to learn more and register. Remember this is FREE for all WPATH members to attend.
  • Look out for the announcement for our third episode of the WPATH Book Club.
  • Registration is NOW OPEN for our first-ever GEI Online Foundations Course in SPANISH! Please scroll down to read more about this offering, and to register. 

La inscripción ya está ABIERTA para el primer curso en línea de GEI Foundations de WPATH en español
WPATH se complace en anunciar que ya está abierta la inscripción para nuestra oferta inaugural 2021/2022 del curso en línea de fundamentos WPATH GEI en español, que se abrirá el 1 de Diciembre de 2021. Las sesiones en vivo se llevarán a cabo el Sábado 15 de Enero de 2022 y en Sábado 22 de Enero de 2022: se requiere la asistencia a ambas sesiones en vivo para completar el curso.
Nos complace anunciar que para este curso inaugural estamos ofreciendo tarifas de inscripción para todos los asistentes a las tarifas LIEC.
Miembro de WPATH (Completo, Auxiliar, Emérito)
$130 USD
No Miembro de WPATH
$180 USD
Estudiante, miembro de WPATH
$65 USD
Estudiante, no miembro de WPATH
$180 USD
Esperamos que esto permita una gran asistencia y que se le anime a unirse a WPATH para aprovechar los descuentos y la información hasta finales de 2022. ¡Clic aquí para unirse ahora!
Si planea unirse a WPATH, espere a que se apruebe su membresía antes de registrarse en el curso, ya que ahorrará aún más. Las membresías se aprueban los martes y viernes de cada semana. Si se registra antes de ser aprobado para la membresía, no podemos reembolsar la diferencia por este curso.
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