USPATH 2019 Call for Abstracts - Washington DC - September 3-8, 2019 - Submit Yours Today

From: "WPATH" <wpath@PROTECTED>
Subject: USPATH 2019 Call for Abstracts - Washington DC - September 3-8, 2019 - Submit Yours Today
Date: April 10th 2019


Submit Yours Today

2019 USPATH Meeting
September 3-8, 2019
Washington, DC

On behalf of the USPATH Board of Directors we are pleased to announce a call for submission of abstracts for oral and poster sessions as well as mini-symposia to be considered for presentation at the 2019 USPATH Meeting in Washington, DC.

Submission Deadline: May 10, 2019 at 5:00 pm EST.

Submission Link:




The Board has put together the following USPATH 2019 Conference Scientific Framework (click here for the pdf version)


Theme: Centering Community


Five Guiding Principles:

  1. Affirmation of identity(ies)
    • All identities are valid without judgment.
    • Cultural humility approach – each individual has their own story and identity, to be taken at face value without projections of prior experiences or unconscious biases.
  2. Patient- and community centered approaches to health and care
    • Healthcare and research should have as its core purpose improving the health and wellbeing of individuals and communities, in a way that is feasible and appropriate for that individual or community.
  3. Depathologization of transgender and gender non-binary identities
    • In itself, being transgender, gender-nonbinary, or otherwise gender diverse is not a disorder, but in fact a natural expression of the range of human identities and experiences across cultures.
  4. Attention to intersectionality
    • Inclusion of consideration of race, ethnicity, national origin, immigration status, gender identity & expression, religion, socio-economic status, disability status, non-English speaking status, or any other identifier that may serve as an independent social determinant of health.
    • Specific attention to barriers to health equity driven by interactions between being transgender or gender non-binary and any of the above social determinants.
  5. Reliance on a basis of current, peer-reviewed research and evidence
    • Conference presentation and poster content will all cite a minimum of 3 peer reviewed publications within the past 5 years.
    • Abstract submissions will be screened first for the quality of their evidential basis


Language Usage Standards: All language should be affirming, individual- and community-centered, and depathologizing.

  1. Transgender, non-binary, and other community descriptors are adjectives.
    • Use them before nouns, such as “transgender person”, “non-binary community”
    • Transgendered is not a word
  2. Terms relating to affirmed/felt gender identity should be used at all times to refer to individuals. For example:
    • A female identified person who was assigned male at birth is a transgender woman
    • A male identified person who was assigned female at birth is a transgender man
    • A transgender woman who is attracted to other women is a lesbian
    • A transgender man who is attracted to other men is gay
    • Transgender people attracted to the “opposite” gender are straight/heterosexual
  3. When making comparisons to non-transgender (cisgender) groups or individuals, these terms should be used as adjectives as well. For example:
    • Comparisons should be made between “transgender men” and “cisgender men”, not between “transgender men” and “men”.
    • Presentations or posters that include previously published content that do not use this styling should include a statement of recognition of this deficit and make best attempts to revise or correct the content as presented.


Scientific Principles: All submissions should be in line with the conference theme of “centering community” and adhere to the Five Guiding Principles, with particular attention to #5, and to the Language Usage Standards. In addition, all submissions should meet the following criteria in order to be considered for acceptance:

  1. Research submissions (oral and poster) should also include the following:
    1. Background/statement of the problem and research goal
    2. Specific research question(s) the study attempted to answer
    3. Methods and measures used, as well as the composition of any control or comparison groups
    4. Statement describing any community participation in the study. If none, a statement as such, including how this could impact study findings and relevance.
      1. “Community” can mean lay community members, or scientists/clinicians on the study team.  Details of participation should be described.
    5. Statement of IRB review of the study. If none, a statement as such
    6. Results
    7. Discussion of results, including limitations, possible confounding or other unmeasured differences between the study and control/comparison groups
  2. Non-research submissions should also include the following:
    1. Statement of the overall goal(s) of the session
    2. Three active learning objectives for the session
    3. Statement describing any community participation in the session. If none, a statement as such.
      1. “Community” can mean lay community members, or scientists/clinicians on the study team.
    4. CV for all participants indicating appropriate expertise and experience to support the goals and objectives of the session
      1. Lay community members participating in a session in order to provide a community perspective or voice do not need to submit a CV, but the submission should include a description of their role and why they were selected for participation
    5. How the proposed session methods (i.e. didactic, case presentations, panel, interactive discussion) will meet the stated goal(s) and objectives
  3. To insure diversity of scientific thought and expertise, support professional development, and create a pipeline for new leadership, USPATH will recruit (via an open call to the membership):
    1. One early-career* professional for each of the scientific discipline areas on the Conference Scientific Committee
    2. One student, learner, or trainee** for each of the scientific discipline areas on the Conference Scientific Committee
    3. This process will include a competitive application
    4. Each early-career professional or student/learner/trainee will be assigned a mentor from their specific discipline area

* early-career means either i) Within 10 years of receiving terminal degree or ii) Significant change of career track or discipline area within the past 10 years

** Student/learner/trainee means someone currently enrolled in an accredited health professions or related graduate degree or postgraduate training program (residency, doctorate)


Community Inclusion and Participation Strategy: In addition to Scientific Principles 1.d and 2.c:

  1. It is recognized that there are financial and other barriers that can prevent some community members from attending this scientific conference. USPATH will accept applications for community rapporteurs.  Each session will have an assigned rapporteur.  Each rapporteur will prepare a community summary of the session, for dissemination after the conference.  The final report will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee and the USPATH board.
    1. Rapporteurs will receive a full scholarship for the cost of conference registration.
    2. Rapporteurs will be asked to provide a CV and personal statement describing their qualifications for filling this vital role
  2. The local transgender and gender non-binary community, with a specific focus on communities of color, will be highlighted as part of the conference program. (DETAILS FORTHCOMING)

Procedures and Deadlines

  • All abstracts must be received by the deadline of May 10, 2019 at 5:00 pm EST.
  • All Authors and co-authors must submit a disclosure. Link to form can be found on the abstract platform.
  • Abstracts are approved for inclusion in the program by the USPATH Board of Directors upon recommendation by the Scientific Committee.
  • Announcements of approved and rejected papers will be made in late June.

Complete instructions for speaker and paper presentation will be provided upon notification of a paper’s acceptance.

Upon submission, you will need to click a box to confirm that you have read and agree to abide by both the Language Policy and the Code of Conduct Policy.

Language Policy

Code of Conduct

Submit Yours Today

2019 USPATH Meeting
September 3-8, 2019
Washington, DC

On behalf of the USPATH Board of Directors we are pleased to announce a call for submission of abstracts for oral and poster sessions as well as mini-symposia to be considered for presentation at the 2019 USPATH Meeting in Washington, DC.

Submission Deadline: May 10, 2019 at 5:00 pm EST.

Submission Link:

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